Content Planning is the key

The world of content marketing is more complex and wide-reaching than ever before. It’s also more ingrained. So Content Planning is crucial.

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The plan

A well-constructed content strategy is critical for attracting customers and growing your brand. But you’ll never execute one without a structured and organised content plan, fueled by a sustainable workflow and consistent process.

Content planning is the structure by which your company determines which content initiatives to execute and when. It’s all about processes and workflows. A content plan can help you overcome the challenges

you face daily with content marketing, including Ensuring content is unique and relevant, Accounting for resources at hand, Optimising engagement for every piece of content & Keeping on schedule.

Above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine.

Content planning

In the Content Marketing report, compiled by CMI & MarketingProfs, only 8% of respondents rated the project management flow in their content creation process as “Excellent,” and only 28% dubbed theirs “Very Good.”

We at Purpllemon understand Content planning and therefore have come up with simple but effective planning that ensures results and saves time.

Content Planning Square

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